
The SCPT governance model places Council’s primary focus on strategy and policy with a growing focus on generative governance. The Council’s primary role is leadership, setting the mission and overall strategy, fiduciary oversight and monitoring organizational performance.

The Executive Director & Registrar (EDR) is the senior executive and is responsible for implementing the policies of the Council and ensuring that the strategic objectives set by the Council are achieved. The EDR is responsible for the management of day-to-day operations of SCPT.

All SCPT policies have been adopted by the Council, in order to guide both Council and EDR behavior and decision making. All Council and EDR decisions must first take into consideration the requirements of the Physical Therapists Act 1998 and the SCPT Bylaws.

OUR DUTY is to at all times:
  1. to serve and protect the public; and
  2. to exercise its powers and discharge its responsibilities in the public interest and not in the interests of the members.
  1. to regulate the practice of the profession and to govern the members in accordance with this Act and the bylaws; and
  2. to assure the public of the knowledge, skill, proficiency and competency of members in the practice of the profession.
OUR VISION is to be a proactive leader in regulation, influencing the future of healthcare.

OUR MISSION is to serve and protect the public through supporting physical therapists to be safe, competent and qualified.

  • Fairness
    • We make fair, consistent and defensible decisions.
  • Transparency
    • We act openly to enhance accountability.

  • Collaboration
    • We build strong relationships with the public, our members, and stakeholders.

  • Inclusion and Diversity
    • We are committed to an environment where all individuals are safe and welcome.
    • We are committed to diversity within all aspects of our organization.

Governance Manual